Shortbread coconut with chocolate coating


November 2019

I love desserts. Everyone loves them. Sweetness is a taste that can be addictive, can dull and provoke a man to destructive behavior. It’s effects can be seen every day among obese children and adults who are clearly overweight.
However, It does not mean that you should totally avoid them. Taste is important, as is the joy of life and it is worth taking care of it. Therefore, choose healthy treats and replace commonly used products with healthier versions.
The first fiddle, in healthy desserts, plays honey, agave syrup, stevia and maple syrup. The honey that I used in the recipe is one of the few sweeteners that has a number of healing properties. Strengthens the heart and immune system, has antibacterial and calming effects. It helps in cardiovascular and nervous system diseases. Additionally, in combination with lemon juice, it dissolves overdue mucus and stasis. Remember that the raw version of honey is more healthy than after thermal processing. Now, catch the recipe:


  • 2 tbsp of coconut oil
  • 100g of coconut flakes
  • 2 tbsp of coconut milk
  • 1 tbsp of honey
  1.  Warm up coconut oil in a saucepan.
  2. Grind the chips finely (it would be ideal to obtain a homogeneous mass). Add to oil.
  3. Put the warm mass into molds and put in the freezer for 15 minutes or in the fridge for 45 minutes.

It is worth experimenting with additions, e.g. finely chopped fresh or dried fruit, finely chopped nuts. People outside of AIP (Autoimmune pancreatitis) have a lot of options.